Saturday 11 September: There has been a change in the weather today. There were a couple of clouds in the sky and a bit of a breeze. I decided to explore out of Lusaka and had arranged for a taxi to pick me up and take me to Kafue which is about 20 miles away. When he arrived he had with him his brother, who was still at college, and who in fact did most of the driving. The road to Kafue was a well made, fast road but we twice had to slow down to avoid groups of catholic women walking and singing in the outside lane and holding a collection for money to buy instruments for their choir. And then we got pulled in by the police – the drivers went to speak to them but did not tell me why we had been stopped.
First we went to the River Kafue but did not have sufficient time to take a river cruise:
Across the way from the boats was a ‘compound’ an old Zambian village:
We then drove to the market in the centre of Kafue:
I did not picture the market to look like that at all. I didn't realise it was literally tents. It reminds me a little of the market in mexico, but that was set up on the sidewalk between narrow streets. I can't wait to see what you end up buying from them.